Wehubit aims to boost digital social innovation as a vehicle for accelerating inclusive and sustainable development, reducing inequalities and empowering people in Enabel’s partner countries.

We specifically target the scaling-up/replication phase of digital social innovations. We seek for projects that will scale-up existing digital solutions so that these are rolled-out at larger scale and become more available, affordable and performing.

Under the Wehubit programme, we consider the human rights-based approach (HRBA) as fundamental to our action, in the sense that it aims to develop the capacity of duty-bearers (authorities) to meet their obligations and to encourage rights holders (citizens) to claim their rights. Digital social innovations we support are being implemented by civil society or public institutions. When receiving a proposal, we appraise to what extent the proposed solution will improve the enforcement of rights, the dynamics between right holders and duty bearers, their respective capacities to exercise their roles; to what extent does the project take into account vulnerable groups, and if it is careful to reduce inequalities in rights or not to create new ones.


Wehubit also adheres to the nine principles for digital development. Projects funded by the programme are invited to use these principles as a compass during implementation.

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